Executive Committee |
M. Heydarzadeh Sohi |
Conference Chair |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mhsohi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Nili Ahmadabadi |
President of the University of Tehran, Head of Center of Excellence for High Performance Materials |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: nili [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Raygan |
Head of School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: shraygan [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
C. Zamani |
Scientific Chair |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: c.zamani [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
H. Abdizadeh |
Budget Coordinator |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: abdizadeh [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Dolatshahi Pirooz |
Vice President in Research, Kish International Campus, UT |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mdolat [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Malekan |
Public Relations Coordinator |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mmalekan [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A. Ataie |
Deputy of Center of Excellence for High Performance Materials |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: aataie [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Sheibani |
Administration Coordinator |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: ssheibani [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Kouchak zadeh |
Vice Dean, Academics, Kish Int. Campus, UT |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: skzadeh [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
K. Dorrani |
Vice Dean in Finance & Administration, Kish Int. Campus |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: kdorrani [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M.R. Saeid Abadi |
Vice Dean in International Relations, Kish Int. Campus, UT |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: sabadi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
E. Rezvani |
Deputy in Social & Cultural Affairs, Kish Free Zone |
Kish Free Zone Organization |
Email Address: rezvani [at] kish.ir |
| |
Y. Palizdar |
UFGNSM17-Industry Interaction Coordinator |
Assistant Professor, Institute of Materials and Energy, Karaj, Iran |
Email Address: y.palizdar [at] merc.ac.ir |
| |
International Advisory Board |
S. Arbab Chirani |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest |
Email Address: shabnam.arbab [at] enib.fr |
| |
H. Asadi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Virtual Engineering Center, Brunel University London, England |
Email Address: hamid.assadi [at] brunel.ac.uk |
| |
A. K. Bhowmick |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology |
Email Address: anilkb [at] rtc.iit.kgp.ernet.in |
| |
A.H. Chokshi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Indian Institute of Science, India |
Email Address: achokshi [at] materials.iisc.ernet.in |
| |
F. Deflorian |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Trento, Italy |
Email Address: flavio.deflorian [at] unitn.it |
| |
S. Gialanella |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Trento, Italy |
Email Address: stefano.gialanella [at] unitn.it |
| |
H. Gong |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, National University of Singapore |
Email Address: msegongh [at] nus.edu.sg |
| |
M. Gupta |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore |
Email Address: mpegm [at] nus.edu.sg |
| |
H. Hofmann |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, EPFL, Switzerland |
Email Address: heinrich.hofmann [at] epfl.ch |
| |
Peter Holtappels |
Scientific Committee Member |
Technical University of Denmark |
Email Address: peho [at] dtu.dk |
| |
M. Jahazi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, École de technologie supérieure, Montréal (Québec), Canada |
Email Address: mohammad.jahazi [at] etsmtl.ca |
| |
S. Jeon |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, KAIST |
Email Address: jeon39 [at] kaist.ac.kr |
| |
M. Kawasaki |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea |
Email Address: megumi [at] hanyang.ac.kr |
| |
H.S. Kim |
Scientific Committee Member |
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea |
Email Address: hskim [at] postech.edu |
| |
J.-K. Kim |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong |
Email Address: mejkkim [at] ust.hk |
| |
T.G. Langdon |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Southampton, UK |
Email Address: t.g.langdon [at] soton.ac.uk |
| |
Lu Li |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, National University of Singapore |
Email Address: luli [at] nus.edu.sg |
| |
H. Miura |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Electro-communication, Japan |
Email Address: miura [at] mce.uec.ac.jp |
| |
J.R. Morante |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Barcelona & IREC Catalunya, Spain |
Email Address: jrmorante [at] irec.cat |
| |
M. V. Reddy |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, National University of Singapore |
Email Address: phymvvr [at] nus.edu.sg |
| |
Seeram Ramakrishna |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, National University of Singapore |
Email Address: seeram [at] nus.edu.sg |
| |
K. Shimanoe |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan |
Email Address: shimanoe.kengo.695 [at] m.kyushu-u.ac.jp |
| |
A. Tcharkhtchi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Arts et Métiers ParisTech |
Email Address: abbas.tcharkhtchi [at] ensam.eu |
| |
N. Tsuji |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Kyoto University |
Email Address: nobuhiro-tsuji [at] mtl.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
| |
Scientific Committee |
H. Abdizadeh |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: abdizadeh [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
F. Akhlaghi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: fakhlagh [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
J.K. Allafi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Sahand University of Technology |
Email Address: allafi [at] sut.ac.ir |
| |
S.R. Allah Karam |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: akaram [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A.A. Amadeh |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: amadeh [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A. Ataie |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: aataie [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A.R. Babaei |
Scientific Committee Member |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: alireza.babaei [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A.R. Badiei |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: abadiei [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A. Beitollahi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology |
Email Address: beitolla [at] iust.ac.ir |
| |
K. Dehghani |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, Amir Kabir University of Technology |
Email Address: dehghani [at] aut.ac.ir |
| |
C. Dehghanian |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: cdehghan [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Emamy |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: emamy [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M.H. Enayati |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Isfahan University of Technology |
Email Address: ena78 [at] cc.iut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Habibi Parsa |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mhparsa [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A.M. Hadian |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: hadian [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Javadpour |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Shiraz University |
Email Address: javadpor [at] shirazu.ac.ir |
| |
S. Heshmati Manesh |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: sheshmat [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Heydarzadeh Sohi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mhsohi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S.F. Kashani Bozorg |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: fkashani [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Khameneh Asl |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Tabriz |
Email Address: khameneh [at] tabrizu.ac.ir |
| |
H.R. Madaah Hosseini |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Sharif University of Technology |
Email Address: madaah [at] sharif.edu |
| |
R. Mahmudi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mahmudi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Malekan |
Scientific Committee Member |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: mmalekan [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
Michele Fedel |
Scientific Committee Member |
PhD., University of Trento, Italy |
Email Address: michele.fedel [at] unitn.it |
| |
H. Mirzadeh Soltanpour |
Scientific Committee Member |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: hmirzadeh [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A.R. Moshfegh |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Sharif University of Technology |
Email Address: moshfegh [at] sharif.edu |
| |
R. Naderi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: rezanaderi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Nili Ahmadabadi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: nili [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M.H. Paydar |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Shiraz University |
Email Address: paaydar [at] shirazu.ac.ir |
| |
F. Rashchi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: rashchi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Raygan |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: shraygan [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
S. Sarkar |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences |
Email Address: sarkar [at] sina.tums.ac.ir |
| |
S.A. Seyyed Ebrahimi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: saseyyed [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
H. Shahverdi |
Scientific Committee Member |
Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modarres University |
Email Address: shahverdi [at] modares.ac.ir |
| |
S. Sheibani |
Scientific Committee Member |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: ssheibani [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A. Shokuhfar |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, K.N. Toosi University of Tecjnology |
Email Address: shokuhfar [at] kntu.ac.ir |
| |
M.R. Toroghinejad |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, Isfahan University of Technology |
Email Address: toroghi [at] cc.iut.ac.ir |
| |
C. Zamani |
Scientific Committee Member |
Assistant Professor |
Email Address: c.zamani [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
A. Zareki Hanzaki |
Scientific Committee Member |
Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: zareih [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
Local Organizing Committee |
S. Zahedi Azad |
Local Organizing Committee Head |
Head of Cultural Department, Kish Free Zone Organization |
Email Address: zahedi [at] kish.ir |
| |
H. Rajabi |
Head of Administration |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: horajabi [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |
M. Akoochakian |
Head of Research Office, Kish Int. Campus |
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran |
Email Address: makoochakian [at] ut.ac.ir |
| |